Dental Crowns Or Veneers In Wall Township?

February 16, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 3:38 pm

Veneers in Wall Township beautify chipped teethDo you need one or more teeth restored? Or, do your healthy teeth need a cosmetic makeover? Consider porcelain veneers or dental crowns from Dr. Edward Dooley in Wall Township. Individually crafted to enhance smiles, these restorative and cosmetic services help people smile confidentially and have great oral function. Which treatment is right for you?



6 Dental Do’s and Don’ts from your Dentist in Wall Township

February 7, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — dooley @ 10:03 pm

TheDr. Dooley, your dentist in Wall Township, hopes to help improve your oral health with these tips. majority of us don’t see our oral health to be a priority compared to our overall health. But, in the same breath, you can probably imagine yourself keeping your original adult teeth for the rest of your life, right? Unfortunately, oral health care doesn’t work that way. We all have to pay attention to the things we eat and indulge in as well as our oral hygiene to try to keep our smiles healthy. If you want to ensure you maintain good oral health and prevent dental problems, take notes of these dental do’s and don’ts from your dentist in Wall Township.
