Instant Teeth Whitening!

September 24, 2017

Closeup of brilliant white smileAlmost every patient we see is interested in brightening their smile. A trip to your local pharmacy will reveal numerous shelves of whitening gels, strips, and pastes. If you want to get a dazzling bright smile, trust a dentist. Professional teeth whitening solutions offer safe, effective, and predictable results. In fact, most patients see smiles up to ten shades whiter! In-office teeth whitening delivers these results in just one visit. Imagine walking into your dentist’s office with yellow, dingy teeth and leaving about an hour later with the brilliant white smile of your dreams.

How to Save a Knocked Out Tooth

September 4, 2017

Woman in dental chair holding cheekWhen a tooth is avulsed (knocked out), patients may think they have to have the tooth replaced. Actually, a dentist may be able to save the knocked out tooth in many cases. The first thing you should do when a tooth is avulsed, is take a deep breath. The situation may be painful, stressful, or scary, but it’s important to stay calm and assess the situation to ensure your safety during a dental emergency. It’s also important to carefully explain your emergency so a dentist or physician can provide the best directions to help you renew your smile.