At your routine appointments, do you typically sit quietly in the treatment chair and move onto the next thing on your to-do list as soon as you are dismissed? If you answered “yes,” then you may be missing out on some valuable ways to improve your oral health! Instead of being a passive participant, you should use your bi-yearly visits to keep an open dialogue with your dentist in Spring Lake about how you can keep your teeth and gums in tip-top shape. Unsure where to start? Here are five questions to help!
(more…)5 Important Questions to Ask Your Dentist at Your Next Visit
September 30, 2020
4 Useful Tips for Understanding Your Dental Insurance
September 17, 2020
Is it time for your six-month dental checkup? Is the toothache you’ve been ignoring desperately in need of treatment? If you answered “yes,” then you may have one important question on your mind: How much will it cost? While the answer to this question can be found in your dental plan, it can be difficult to decipher the fine print on your own. Therefore, a dentist in Wall Township is sharing four useful tips for understanding your dental insurance!
(more…)3 Reasons COVID-19 Shouldn’t Delay Your Dental Visit
August 27, 2020
A few months into 2020, our daily routine was put on hold as COVID-19 became a worldwide pandemic. Fortunately, infection control measures like face coverings and social distancing have made the transition out of quarantine and into our “new normal” possible. However, many patients are still hesitant to schedule their routine dental appointments since extensive research is still underway on the intricacies of this novel virus. If you are currently contemplating postponing your bi-yearly visit, then a dentist in Spring Lake is sharing three reasons you should reconsider.
(more…)Can Sleep Apnea Cause Depression?
August 13, 2020
Your alarm jolts you awake. Although you’ve been in bed since 8 PM the night before, you feel like you’ve only slept for a few minutes. As you walk to the kitchen to pour your first cup of coffee, you notice your mouth feels dry and your morning headache is back. By noon, you can barely focus, your eyelids feel like they weigh 10 pounds, and your irritability is through the roof.
If this sounds all too familiar, then you are not alone. In fact, about one in every 15 Americans has sleep apnea. Unfortunately, recent research has also linked this common sleeping disorder with depression. If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea in Spring Lake, then read on!
(more…)How Interrupted Sleep Can Impact Your Life
July 20, 2020
What’s keeping you from sleeping soundly? If you have sleep apnea in Spring Lake, chances are you’re waking up repeatedly throughout the night and experiencing daily daytime fatigue. While these somewhat annoying symptoms may be easy to blow off, it’s important not to ignore them. In fact, a lack of quality sleep can have a significant influence on several aspects of your life. Read on to learn more about how interrupted sleep can impact the rest of your body.
Essential Hand Hygiene Tips to Use in COVID-19
July 7, 2020
The number one way to protect yourself and your loved ones from COVID-19 is to practice social distancing. However, it’s important that you keep your hands clean as well, even if you’re limiting your exposure to others. Regular hand hygiene plays a key role in preventing sicknesses like the common cold, the flu, and the coronavirus, but it can only keep you healthy if you use the proper techniques! Read on as your Spring Lake dentist shares a few essential tips for keeping your hands clean and germ-free during the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 Safety: Why Your Dentist Is Asking You to Rinse Before Your Appointment
June 23, 2020
You’ve been keeping up with the news, so you’re not surprised to see that many dentists have set up new safety protocols. Although some of these measures seem pretty obvious considering the climate (like wearing a face mask), changes like being asked to rinse with an antimicrobial mouthwash before your appointment can be unexpected.
If you have found yourself wondering how mouthwash can help fight against COVID-19, then your dentist in Spring Lake is here to answer three common questions.
4 Ways Your Dentist Is Committing to Safety During The COVID-19 Pandemic
June 1, 2020
Times have changed. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, life as we know it has been completely retrofitted to accommodate social distancing guidelines and infection control. Although these two measures have played an instrumental role in flattening the curve, we must stay vigilant in the fight against spreading the virus. Therefore, your dentist in Spring Lake is taking extensive measures to ensure that you can come in for your routine, cosmetic, and emergency dental procedures in a safe environment. Here is how they are preparing for your upcoming appointment:
How Do You Clean a Dentist’s Office During a Pandemic?
May 15, 2020
Personal hygiene and general cleanliness are of the utmost importance right now. With the potential spread of COVID-19 remaining a threat, dentists throughout the country are stepping up to exceed normal expectations when it comes to sanitizing and disinfecting their offices. Following various health and safety protocols recommended by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), the American Dental Association (ADA), and the Occupational Safety & Hazard Administration (OSHA), you can feel reassured knowing that your dentist in Wall Township is taking all the right steps to ensure no germs or bacteria are passed from person-to-person. But what are they? Let’s find out.
How Are Dentists Using Personal Protective Equipment to Stay Safe?
May 6, 2020
Medical and dental professionals understand the risks that can come with working in the healthcare industry. Exposure to harmful pathogens and airborne particles can lead to devastating consequences if not equipped with the proper materials. Fortunately, personal protective equipment (PPE) has been around for decades helping to keep doctors and dentists better protected. But what are they, and how are they effective at preventing the spread of COVID-19? As you prepare for your next appointment, find out which items your dentist in Spring Lake is using to stay safe.