Thinking about Veneers? Here’s How Much Enamel Will Be Removed in the Process

August 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dooley @ 10:35 pm
Picture of a veneer

Veneers are a popular cosmetic dentistry option for those seeking to improve the appearance of their teeth. One of the key steps in preparing teeth for veneers is the removal of enamel to make room for the new covering. The amount of enamel removed can vary depending on the type of veneers used and the individual needs of the patient. Understanding how much enamel is removed can help people make informed decisions about this procedure.

Amount of Enamel Removed for Traditional Veneers

For traditional porcelain veneers, dentists typically remove between 0.5 mm to 0.7 mm of enamel, approximately the thickness of a fingernail. This small amount is enough to ensure that the veneer adheres properly and sits flush with the surrounding teeth, creating a smooth, natural appearance. Removing this layer also prevents the veneers from appearing bulky or too prominent once placed. While the amount of enamel removed may seem minor, it is an essential step to achieve a lasting and aesthetically pleasing result. Since enamel doesn’t regenerate, this procedure is permanent, and careful planning is needed to ensure it aligns with the patient’s goals.

Importance of Precise Enamel Removal

The process of enamel removal for veneers must be precise to avoid excessive loss of tooth structure. Dentists use specialized tools and techniques to carefully remove just the right amount of enamel, preserving as much of the natural tooth as possible. Removing too much enamel can weaken the tooth, leading to potential long-term issues like sensitivity or increased risk of decay. Conversely, removing too little enamel can result in an ill-fitting veneer, leading to an unnatural appearance or problems with the bite. Proper enamel reduction strikes a balance between aesthetics and tooth preservation, ensuring the veneer fits seamlessly and functions well.

Long-Term Effects of Enamel Removal

Once enamel is removed, the process cannot be reversed. This means that veneers are a long-term commitment, as the underlying tooth will always need protection. Although veneers can last up to 20 years with proper care, they will eventually need to be replaced. During the replacement process, additional enamel may be removed to prepare the tooth for a new veneer. Patients should also be aware that the loss of enamel may make the tooth more sensitive to temperature changes and more prone to decay without the protection of the veneer. Regular dental care is essential for maintaining both the veneers and the health of the underlying teeth.

About Our Practice

At Dooley Dental, we put the comfort and happiness of our patients above all else. We of course work incredibly hard to make sure that the services you receive from us, from veneers to dental crowns, are effective as they can possibly be. However, we also endeavor to help our patients feel their absolute best once their treatment is complete, ensuring that you’re completely satisfied with your new smile!

If you have any questions about veneers, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (732) 974-2288.

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