During the holidays, two things are inevitable: yummy treats and family photos. It seems like around every corner, there’s a delicious bowl of sweets, cake, pie, and more. These holiday snacks all taste amazing, but they can damage your teeth. Keep reading to learn some easy tips on how to keep your teeth healthy for the holiday season from your dentist in Spring Lake. That way, you can indulge in your favorites while keeping your smile ready for the many photo opportunities.
Dooley Dental Blog
Healthy Holiday Tips from Your Dentist in Spring Lake
November 2, 2018
Oral Health Crisis? Your Emergency Dentist Tells You What to Do
October 20, 2018
From time to time, we call encounter the unexpected. It might be a flat tire, a challenge at work, or surprising news from a family member — or it could be a dental emergency. A sudden oral health crisis can affect anyone, regardless of how diligently you brush and floss or how great your teeth felt yesterday. When you find that your mouth is suffering, what should you do? Here is some guidance from your emergency dentist in Spring Lake.
Want to Maximize Your Dental Benefits? Visit Your Dentist Soon!
October 6, 2018
Can you believe that 2018 is almost over? In just a few short months, we’ll all be putting our 2019 calendars up, figuring out our taxes, and working on our new year’s resolutions. But before this year comes to its end, you should make room in your schedule for a visit to your dentist in Spring Lake. Doing so will help you maintain a healthy mouth and get the most out of your insurance.
What Can Porcelain Veneers in Spring Lake Do? More Than You Think!
September 17, 2018
If you ask any cosmetic dentist to name one procedure that can “do it all,” there’s a good chance they would say porcelain veneers! Invented by a dentist in Hollywood over 80 years ago to use on film stars, they can mask many flaws to completely change how your smile looks. But porcelain veneers in Spring Lake provide more than just cosmetic benefits. They have other advantages as well that make them one of the most popular cosmetic procedures out there. Learn more below about the many ways this procedure can benefit you!
A Short Guide to the Cost of Dental Implants in Spring Lake!
September 5, 2018
Before making any type of investment, it’s important to do research beforehand so you can weigh the pros and cons and make the right decision. If you’ve lost any teeth, one investment you might be considering is dental implants in Spring Lake, which will undeniably improve your oral health for many years. But one of the first questions many people have is how much they cost. Keep reading to find out what the average cost of an implant is and which factors can affect the total cost. With this information, you’ll be that much closer to making the best decision for your oral health!
See Your Dentist in Spring Lake for a Back to School Checkup!
August 15, 2018
It’s back to school season already! Whether your child is chomping at the bit to return to class or they’re bemoaning the end of summer vacation, your family is probably very busy as you prepare to send your little one off to resume their formal education. In all the chaos of this time of year, it could be easy to let dental care slip your mind. But it is important to bring your child to their dentist in Spring Lake for a routine checkup so they can start the school year with a healthy, happy smile.
4 Great Ways to Straighten Your Teeth With a Dentist in Spring Lake!
August 11, 2018
There’s no denying that modern dentistry is amazing. New methods and technologies developed in just the last 20 years allow dentists to offer their patients the same great results as before, but with a few key advantages. Orthodontics is a perfect example! For many years, people who wanted to straighten their teeth had only one choice – braces. Now, a dentist in Spring Lake offers 4 choices to give patients the straight, even smile they’ve always wanted – without the drawbacks of braces. Keep reading to learn more about these 4 options and find out which one might be right for you!
Your Dentist Explains: Dental Habits Are Different Between Genders
July 31, 2018
An old saying puts forth that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. It’s true that in general, there are great differences in the way each gender tends to approach various aspects of life, from problem-solving to decorating and everything in between. Dental habits are even different between men and women! Your dentist near Wall Township is here to discuss some of the statistics behind how men and women treat their teeth.
Dentist in Spring Lake Discusses 4 Times to Take a Toothache Seriously
July 10, 2018
Toothaches don’t just arbitrarily pop up on their own and then disappear when they feel like it; there is always an underlying cause for tooth pain. Sometimes, the cause is something as simple as worn enamel that increases sensitivity. At other times, gum recession is to blame. If you know why your tooth is hurting and you’ve already spoken with your dentist in Spring Lake about the issue, there may be no reason to be alarmed by your pain. However, there are other times when a toothache is huge red flag that should have you heading to your dentist’s office right away. Let’s talk about some signs that mean you should seek immediate treatment.
Top 4 Home Hygiene Tips From a Dentist in Spring Lake!
June 21, 2018
When it comes to your oral health, some things are simply beyond your control. Examples include genetics, whether dental care was available to you as a child, and any accidents or injuries. The good news is that one important factor to your oral health is very much in your control – your home hygiene habits! The relationship between oral hygiene and oral health is clear: the more time you spend taking care of things at home, the less dental work you need from a dentist in Spring Lake! So what are some “dentist-approved” tips to make your routine as effective as possible? Keep reading for four of the best!