Teeth Whitening – Spring Lake, NJ

Say Good-Bye to Dull, Stained Teeth

Man with bright smile after teeth whitening

People often don’t realize the impact that dulled teeth have on their overall look. As years pass, enamel darkens. To revitalize your smile, ask the team at Dooley Dental about teeth whitening from our Spring Lake, NJ cosmetic dentist!

Why Choose Dooley Dental for Teeth Whitening?

  • Advanced GLO®
    Teeth Whitening
  • At-Home Whitening Kits
  • Smart, Intuitive
    Dental Team

The Teeth Whitening Process

Woman with bright smile after teeth whitening

If you’re looking for a convenient, gradual way to whiten your teeth, an at-home teeth whitening kit could be just the thing for you! The team at Dooley Dental casts your bite to create custom-fitting whitening trays. After, Dr. Dooley prescribes a teeth whitening solution. You will load the trays with it and wear them for the recommended amount of time (usually around 20 to 30 minutes). You should notice a brighter smile in less than two weeks!